A review by kathydavie
Sweet Persuasion by Maya Banks


Second in the Sweet very erotic romance series.

The Story
Serena has spent years fulfilling the fantasies for others through her business, Fantasy, Inc., now she wants to experience her own fantasy of being a sex slave. A fantasy which, unbeknownst to Serena, her best friend, Faith Malone is uniquely qualified to help her with.

Faith's friendship with Damon Roche gets Serena's fantasy kickstarted and, along the way, fulfills a fantasy Damon has almost given up on.

The Characters
Serena, Faith, and Julie have a lovely friendship. Supportive, loving, and realistic with a strong dash of humor. Any of us should be so lucky.

Gray Montgomery and Micah Hudson from Sweet Surrender play a bit part here with a spot for Nathan Tucker—I think we'll see more of Nathan in Sweet Seduction.

My Take
In some respects, Sweet Persuasion is light yet the overall impression is serious about owning your own desires, that acknowledging the truth about yourself and your wants is the only way to truly be happy in your life whether it's about the career you carve out or the sexual desires you accept as true. As Damon says, "I won't allow you to degrade yourself for voicing your desires. They're yours. That makes them important. Valid." A validation we could all apply to any aspect of our own lives.

That said, it gets pretty kinky with the bondage, discipline, and submission. It's more than I could handle but, as the title says, still sweet.

The Cover
This deep pink cover is definitely one for the guys with Serena writhing on a bed, her breasts plumped up via a white lacy bra. The title is subtle as Damon does his best to work a Sweet Persuasion on Serena to willingly accept her role.