A review by bookishnicole
An Unmarked Grave by Charles Todd


You know how when you watch a movie trailer, you know the entire plot of the movie from those three minutes? And you know how sometimes that can happen with book synopses? It didn't happen with this book. Honestly, the synopses covers the first 3 chapters at best, and I kinda loved that because I had no idea what to expect from this book.

As far as historical time periods go, I do love the Tudors, but the World War One/World War Two era is also a favorite of mine. I also liked that it combined my a lot of my favorites: accurate historical fiction, plagues, mystery and action. I liked that Bess was on practically on the battlefield during several scenes, including one where she saw the gas coming for them, and she rushed to put on her mask and cover her skin.

If you noticed at the top, this book is part of a series and is in fact the fourth book in her adventures. I was a little confused at some points because certain people or facts weren't explained, probably because they were explained in earlier installments. Nothing really hindered the understanding of the story, it was mostly little things that were pre-established that I already missed.

The plot was pretty intense with lots of action and some romance which I liked. I feel like most books will contain some kind of romantic undercurrent, and while this one did, it was a lot more subtle than other books are about it. Bess wasn't asking for any kind of romantic come ons, and there hardly were any. I did like that the men in this book were gentlemen - men need to go back to this chivalry and being a gentleman.

Even though this book wasn't really about the Spanish Influenza, I didn't feel cheated at all. I still loved the plot of this book because it followed a headstrong woman who ordinarily would have been shoved out of the equation, but she didn't let herself be bullied and I loved it. I think even though I've read book 4, I'll go back and read them from the beginning again.