A review by pursuingcolor
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman


Neverwhere is the best book I have ever read in my WHOLE FREAKING LIFE.

THE DESCRIPTIONS. I am not usually a big fan of prose, I love stories for characters and plot (which Neverwhere also had, btw.) but I am blown away by the hauntingly beautiful descriptions in this book. They made me laugh, they made me cringe, they made me SEE, they made me FEEL. I have never before been so moved by descriptions.

And everything Gaiman described-- the thoughts of Richard Mayhew, the settings of London Below, even the sickening actions Mr. Vandemar and Mr. Croup-- were all magnificently done. I have never been so intrigued and inspired by written descriptions.

This book is so utterly satisfying. The beginning, the middle, and the ending were all perfection.

If you are interested in reading an intense gothic fairy tale-- I would HIGHLY recommend this book. (However, note the words INTENSE and GOTHIC before deciding to read this book.)

Also, potential SPOILERS here, but I LOVE DOOR AND RICHARD? Like??? LIKE??? Gaiman was setting up an amazing relationship and I wish we had more adventures of them together. <3 AND I AM DISAPPOINTED BY THE LACK OF FANART FOR THEM.