A review by mhoffrob
Enchantress of Numbers by Jennifer Chiaverini


It is a very rare thing that I don't finish abook - but that almost happened with this title. It just seemed to drag on and on. I found the main character / narrator to be rather unlikable - a haughty, entitled (even for her time) woman who described herself "precocious" and claimed to remember being an infant. The endless and drawn out descriptions of her mathematical studies seemed to go on for pages without relief. Occasionally there would be spurts of interesting story telling, but generally, I just didn't enjoy this and found myself reading the first two sentences of several paragraphs just to finish more quickly.
I usually enjoy historical fiction - perhaps this delved too far into a solitary person's thoughts and started to feel too contrived to me. Or maybe I just wasn't in the mood for this pseudo-memoir at the moment. Either way, I cannot recommend it.