A review by baoluong
Magic for Liars by Sarah Gailey


Magic and detectives go hand in hand. I absolutely adore this trope and there's no amount of books that can quench my deep thirst. I don't even care how that sounds like.

Ivy wasn't born under a bright star. No, it was her twin sister Tabitha with all of the gifts. Magic adhered to her like a handmade glove. After the death of their mother, the two sisters have wandered divergent paths. Until another death pulls them together. Ivy is called into Tabitha's school, where she now teaches, as a private investigator. Being familiar with magic, Ivy knows the ins and outs of the secrecy the craft demands. It's also her chance to prove that she is just as capable, talented, and desired as her sister.

Being in Tabitha's space, Ivy reinvents herself as the person who also shares the same face. This charming self who can easily laugh and let others in is not just a ploy to get people to loosen their lips. Instead, Ivy realizes she was one of the obstacles to her healing. The grudges and jealousy didn't disappear. It festered and until she confronts these feelings will the two truly reconcile.

As for the mystery, I had a suspicion of the culprit. I'm glad the story managed to sidestep the tired ending usually given to the lesser child stories. It means that Ivy's accomplishments aren't undermined and we get see how success isn't determined by a singular measurement. I definitely recommend this book to fans of Harry Potter but with salacious relationships between faculty. I can't wait to delve into this new series and hopefully it'll keep up the momentum.

Freaking amazing and so simple too. I love the rounded sans serif and the non centered orientation. I think that does well to off set the static nature of centered type. The illustration is perfect and the little touches of the highlights and starburst rays. It all reminds me of a tarot card and I like the inspiration.
