A review by bookshelfjpg
Hairpin Bridge by Taylor Adams


I wanted to love this one SO much but unfortunately it just fell pretty short for me.

Let's start with things I liked. The story premise itself was interesting and I'm sure I would have picked it up regardless of purposefully seeking out Taylor Adam's newest book (hi, fellow No Exit fans). I have discovered that I'm a big fan of thrillers that take place in a single spot, within a single time frame. It's exhilarating and a unique way to tell a really exciting story. I was happy to see that like No Exit, Hairpin Bridge follows that same model of storytelling. I read this one fast and was committed to the story right up to the end.

Unfortunately, I just had a hard time grasping the narratives and timelines in this one. Usually something I can look past, especially when it comes to a thriller needing so many different POV's to fill the story up, it just ended up muddling everything for me. The different voices seemed to overlap, backtrack, and cause me more confusion than clarification. When other reviewers are mentioning that this story is action-packed, they aren't kidding. Every thing is full on action to a point where I felt like I was re-reading the same car chase or shoot out every couple pages. This could make for a really good action/thriller movie just from the sheer amount of chaos happening at all times. That mixed with the multiple timelines and voices ended up giving me a little whiplash in the end.

Regardless, this was a good book that I read quickly. We love a good story that is constantly moving, and boy is this no exception to that. A decent middle of the road (or should I say bridge, lol) thriller for me and that's just fine.