A review by theycallmelech
The Disasters by M.K. England


2,5 stars

"All right, rejects. Let's blow this thing and go home."

So I don't like feeling like I'm reading a book. Things have to feel natural, things have to flow. But some of these YA books are written so fucking consciously, and it really shines through. The quote above is pretty damn representative of my thoughts while reading The Disasters. I find it very significant that 'Forget' by Marina is currently playing. The 0,5 stars are for the diversity and the British guy.

First up, the romance. For once, I felt like it was a guessing game of who the protagonist was really interested in. Personally, I was always with Rion cuz well, duh. But don't tell me Nasir wasn't all over Case from the beginning. The narration in his head was also constantly weighing each of their pros, like wtf??:

"Rion knocks his shoulder into mine with a small smile. I fight back a grin and nudge his shoulder right back. But I want to get to know Case better, too. What she did was shitty, but I’m not ready to write her off, like Rion seems to be. I can’t help it. I like her. She’s so smart, and good at things, so completely her own person. And beautiful, too."

Arggggh. I'm gonna start sounding like a pirate. It was like, as a bi person he didn't decide who he fell for, but at the same time... he did. This ain't the bachelor wtf!!?? She cocked up major and you're still interested even after a super great guy showed interest in you? Wtf!? Just cuz you're bi don't mean you gotta be into everyone. "Case is soo confident, like omg cholesterol!" First of all, your name for her is CASE, you thirsty bitch. STAAHP.


The bi rep was, of course, amazing. Just going around and snogging everyone’s face off. Pick someone, you ass! I guess, don't write LGBT romance just for the sake of it :)

Next up, the characters. Man. The author really tried to stress how much of a 'disaster' they all are, except, they're not. Like, at all. They are all wildly successful actually, but apparently the newer generations in the far future aren't good enough. Sounds a lot like, hmmm, now. Other than this blatant fact, it exposes the total unreliability of our aerosexual narrator, Nax Hall. Idk about u but it's not fun to read from the perspective of an extremely insecure person, who, has no reason to be. And all you need to know about the 'action' aspect of the book, is that the stakes were pretty much non-existent and I was hella bored. Thank you for coming to my Ted-talk. :)