A review by mlautchi
Theft by Luke Brown


'I can't propose to someone. I haven't yet made my fortune'
'It's not the nineteenth century.'
'It's not not the nineteenth century either.' 179

Wandering round a gallery on a day off I mooched along behind a woman with a buggy, thinking how similar she looked to Monica. I felt so thirsty looking at her, not only for Monica and the woman who resembled her but also for the melancholic feelings which she flooded me with, for those memories which were so delicious in their painfulness, memories that became harder and harder to reach and which I didn't want to drift away from any more than I already had. 232

I was becoming more and more aware how ordinary my aspirations were, how I admired wealth in those depths of the heart that were immune to convictions. 236

I was still willing to take my happiness one day at a time; if willing is the right word for it. 284

'You're not still thinking about her?'
'Oh Paul. She's gone.' 127

'If you're not careful we'll start agreeing on things,' I said. 'Then we'll have nothing to say to each other.' 133

'This is just a bit of fun yeah?' she said one morning as I walked her to the Overground station.
'I know. Of course!' I said, but I was too enthusiastic.
'Oh Paul,' she said. 'We need to talk.' 138

We could call it home for now. It would be home until we left it behind. 311