A review by loverofromance
Blind Faith by Rebecca Zanetti


This review was originally posted on Addicted To RomanceMy Review


Nate Dean is part of a military unit along with his brothers. The dean brothers were part of a government experiment to be genetically engineered soldiers. Each of them have an expiration date and time is running down for the brothers, unless they can find the right codes to deactivate the chip in their backs that will explode and kill them if they don't find the codes, and soon. Nate and his brothers are loyal 100% to each other and will fight and protect each other with every breath they take.

"I told you to stay in Montana, and I'd bring Audrey to you." What the hell were his brothers thinking? They couldn't be this close to the commander - not all three of them at once. It was too risky.
Matt shook out his wet black hair. "Oh. Is that what you meant by telling us to stay the fuck out of DC?"
"Yes." Exasperation filled Nate's head with static.
"Humph." Shane gingerly stepped back onto the rug. "We must've got that wrong. We thought you were in trouble and needed help." His lip lifted in a smart-ass grin. "Ooops."

Nate knows that he will have to reconnect with the woman that broke his heart five years ago. She is the one person that he will have o  to trust again if he wants to get the information that he needs. Audrey Madison is shocked when she spies Nate across the ballroom while she is on her job. Audrey never stopped loving Nate, and he still takes her breath away. She knows how dangerous Nate is, but no one can know what she is really doing working with the senator. She has to keep up appearances or her plan to reveal the truth about the Commander and put him in jail where he belongs will be ruined, and Nate could ruin all that she has worked hard for. As Nate and Audrey rebuild a trust and a second chance, they will have to fight to be with each other and may lose their lives in the process.

The Hero 

Nate Dean, was genetically enhanced and like his brothers have certain abilities the other enhanced soldiers never had. They have kept is a secret from the commander and Dr. Madison (Audrey's mother) because if they were to discover the real truth about the Dean brothers, then everything could be lost. Nate is protective of his brothers but tends to lose control over his emotions, most especially anger. Audrey was a woman he fell in love with and he still can't get her out of his head, despite the betrayal and how her actions hurt his family. Nate has dedicated himself to keeping his emotions locked away and fighting to keep himself and his brothers alive. What I loved most about this Dean brother, was how dedicated he is to his family. And there are times he is almost like a child and has those moments he never had as a child. He isn't ashamed of it either.

"We're going to watch a movie? I haven't seen the new Disney one. I love monsters that talk."
The commander glanced over his shoulder. "You're under the influence of potent truth-inducing drugs. You really do love Disney movies."
Nate tried to shrug. Disney movies rocked.

He is protective and loyal, has the perfect blend of sexiness and dangerous appeal. We really see how determined he is to survive and his strength mentally and physically and we see how he is tested in this story but never breaks...just becomes even more formidable.

He was an experiment created in a test tube, maybe without a soul, perhaps without any hope. But for a brief time, with this woman, he’d felt whole. Real. Good. Even if they just had the night, he wanted that feeling again. Before he sacrificed everything.

The Heroine 

Audrey Madison never knew her father, and still doesn't know his true identity. For Audrey's mother, Audrey was just an experiment to see what pregnancy and rearing a child would be. Audrey has always wanted to create a bond with her mother, to find a connection and has always searched for it all of her life. Audrey, though she is an adult, still hasn't given up that there must be something redeemable in her mother. But Audrey also knows that her mother and the Commander have both manipulated her, and she ended hurting the one person she would never hurt. Audrey is a stunning heroine and my heart just broke for her. Especially when we learn how much pain she has gone through around the time she and Nate ended their relationship.

She'd given her heart to Nate years ago, but no future existed for them. She had this moment, and she wanted to experience every second, no matter how quickly it ended.

You see how driven she is to bring the Commander down, and she knows the danger that if he ever discovered she will be killed. Audrey is passionate, loves with her full heart and has quite the courage and spirit that comes out in this story.

Plot and Story Line 

Blind Faith is a story I have been eager to read ever since the first book. We see hints of Nate's love for Audrey in the first book. So I was really excited to see these two come back together. In the previous two books, there were only hints about what really happened between these two five years previous, but we see how both Nate and Audrey were manipulated by the commander and Dr. Madison. These two are nutcases (quite literally) they are really perfect for each other because of how crazy they are in the name of science. But we really see how insane Audrey's mother is. One of the focuses of the story is the relationship between Dr. Madison and her daughter Audrey. Now in this book we see how split Audrey is from her determination to create a family bond with her mother and her love for Nate and his brothers. We see Nate's side of things, he doesn't understand Audrey, because her actions are becoming contradictory, and he means to discover her secrets and exactly what she is keeping from him. There is also another danger that rises up in this book, a fanatic cult that views the creations like the Dean brothers as "unholy" and must be destroyed and this aspect really stirs things up in this book. I liked the multiple sides of danger that Audrey and Nate have to learn to deal with in order to survive. The supporting characters were pretty great. We see more of the brothers and hints that their youngest brother is still alive, but they are unsure. Another character I really was charmed by was the Senator or as he likes to be called later "Grand-Pop". He is a widow and you see how he treats Audrey like a loving father would for his child. Audrey needs that because she has never had any kind of parental love, and she has always searched for it. There is also something else that happens to Audrey, thanks to her mother using her, that really adds a new twist. (I want to say what it is but would hate to reveal it for those who have never read this book). But those who have read Blind Faith probably know exactly what I am talking about. It binds Nate and Audrey in a certain way that cements the relationship they are been rebuilding. I love romances like this, because we see how much these two care for each and always have...but they were both used and love how they stuck with each other this second time and didn't let anything tear them apart.

“No way in hell am I letting you go this time.”

Blind Faith was such a fantastic book because the previous books led up to this one a bit, and every delicious moment kept me captivated.

The Cover

I absolutely adore this cover...I mean who wouldn't right? I love the green background, and the dangerous stance and boy is that man one gorgeous piece of yumminess.

Overall View

Blind Faith is a thrilling tale of a Dean brother, a story of passion, rekindling of a lost love, and fighting for what holds most dear and standing up for what is right no matter the cost. A quick paced edgy romance that will keep you coming back for more. EXHILARATING!!  

She'd never trade the few moments of true happiness she found with him--not for anything.

Series Order

Forgotten Sins (1)

Sweet Revenge (2)

Blind Faith (3)

Total Surrender (4)

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