A review by angelwriter428
Monsters Born and Made by Tanvi Berwah


First book of the year and oh goodness....it just had to be this one.

I see a lot of reviews comparing this to Scorpio Races and I have to say that this was also my first thought. Water horses that have to be taken from the water, raised, bred, and ridden (or in this case pulling chariots) in deadly races. It's like Scorpio Races, Greek/Celtic Mythos, and the Tri-Wizard Tournament all had a baby and we're left with this book. (Which this book is supposed to South-East Asian inspired, and maybe I'm not worldly enough to see it, but I super went with old Celtic myths and not Asian folklore.)

Sadly, this book didn't live up to the hype for me. After reading the description, I was like, YAS, but it ended up leaving me feeling like I wasted 11 hours and 4 minutes of my life. It was predictable to the point of boredom with no twists or turns that surprised me even a little.

So, with that, I rate it 2 stars, since I did finish the book and didn't absolutely hate it, but I don't think I'd recommend it.