A review by readingundertheradar
17 First Kisses by Rachael Allen


I've posted my full review here on my blog.

I'm glad I picked this one up after I saw a bunch of negative reviews right when it came out. It was difficult to see all the flaws in the characters, but I definitely appreciated the honesty and realistic qualities the book had. Looking back on my own teenage self, I probably said some of these things, and I was not the best person. High school is a time of learning, and I thought this book was spot-on in talking about those difficult subjects.

The main guy of interest was pretty despicable to me, I didn't really see what the other girls did, but that didn't stop me from being invested in the story.

Overall, I was glad I picked this one up, and it was a pretty good, quick-paced read that talked about quite a few difficult subjects pretty well.