A review by silea
Bracelet of Bones by Kevin Crossley-Holland


I took a Childrens' Lit course in college, and one of the first things the professor told us is that if we re-read the books we loved as a child, we'd hate them now. Little House on the Prairie was his favorite example, a series of books that young girls (at least used to) read and love, but going back as an adult, they're nearly impossible to get through. The focus is narrow, and very concrete. It's nearly an instruction manual at times.

Bracelet of Bones is in a similar vein. It's the story of Solveig's journey to find her father, but it stays very much grounded in the present, even when she's telling a story of her past or imagining her future. There's a lot of 'what', a little 'how', but almost no 'why'.

I suspect that kids will like this book, and parents can certainly read along, but it's not a book i'd recommend to an adult to read for their own entertainment.