A review by bookishly_faith
The Revenge Playbook by Rachael Allen


Essentially, this book is about friendship. Sure, there is the whole revenge plot line, but these girls all join together to fight for something they believe in and bond because of it. It was just a really fun read that has complex characters and some awesome feminism messages. If you liked [b:Beauty Queens|9464733|Beauty Queens|Libba Bray|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1289410187s/9464733.jpg|10808145] because of its girl power and feminist messages, you will probably love this book.

I liked the characters a lot. You get a seriously diverse group of girls in this book, from your traditional catholic popular girl to a tomboy with a past that scars her. It was really fun to read about their lives and see these girls somehow become friends even though they have few things in common. They face their fears together and become stronger because of it. Some of the romance was really nice, but it wasn't a major part of the plot, so that was pretty good.

The plot was really fun. Watching them absolutely kill it while having fun was the best part. The story was told from alternate time periods, from before the the girls take revenge to the night they do the activities of revenge. If you loved Margo's revenge scheme in [b:Paper Towns|6442769|Paper Towns|John Green|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1349013610s/6442769.jpg|3364505], you'll find this part of the book entertaining.

I think the themes and the ending were some of my favourite things about this book. I liked the girl power elements. Sure, a lot of books have good themes, but this book is specifically about trying to make you proud to be a girl.
SpoilerAt the ending, while kind of frustrating that nothing changed, it was realistic, which I can appreciate.

Just go read this book if you're looking for a good time.