A review by katykelly
The Rescuers by Margery Sharp


What a great children's adventure story!

I loved the film as a child and only just discovered it was based on a book. The book is very different but a thrilling read for a 7-11 year old.

The Prisoners' Aid Society of mice have vowed to help people in need. There is a Norwegian imprisoned in the notorious Black Castle, unbreachable and with a famously evil cat in residence.

Bernard, a pantry mouse volunteers to speak to the pampered Miss Bianca, an embassy dweller who can help find a Norwegian speaking mouse. Can they find such a mouse? And how will they get into (and then out of) the Black Castle?

Non-stop action and adventure. The three leads make a good team and all have memorable traits, and the scenes with the castle cat are very funny.

I can imagine children going straight from this to the sequels. When my son is old enough I'll be showing him the film and reading him this book.

Not too long, full of excitement and some lovely mouse heroes.