A review by she__reads
Beyond Tuesday Morning: Sequel to the Bestselling One Tuesday Morning by Karen Kingsbury


This book like the first was so, so, good. I loved how the author let us see what happened to Jamie and Sierra a few years after 9/11. What they do, how they meet and how they handle with everything that happened, and how faith intertwined in all of that. Everyone is the book were people who I would love to know and have added to my circle of friends. The kindness, vulnerability, faith and loving spirit was just something else. I felt like even though the story was nothing like my own I could relate to some aspect of each of the main characters and admired them. Also I loved the Deuteronomy 30:19 verse about having the choice between life and death and choosing life. Such a great message and thing to remember even we are going through the toughest of times!

I can’t wait to see how Kingsbury ends in the series in the next book!