A review by tasmanian_bibliophile
Lord of the Darkwood by Lian Hearn


‘The girl could see nothing. Her lungs were bursting.’

Thus opens the third book of Lian Hearn’s historical fantasy fiction ‘The Tale of Shikanoko’, set in a fantasy version of medieval Japan. This is a series where the books need to be read in order, for the story won’t make much sense otherwise.

The first two books have introduced the key players, explained their stories and why the land is unsettled. The rule of the false emperor Daigen has disturbed the harmony of the Eight Islands with. drought and famine. The true emperor, Yoshi, remains hidden among the acrobats of the Riverbank People. Shika remains in the Darkwood, unable to remove the magical deer mask created for him. Much of this novel focusses on Hina’s journey. Hina, daughter of Kiyoyori, has fled her home, and while her fate seems tied to Shika’s, her journey will be a slow one. In the meantime, the five brothers of the Spider Tribe have grown into powerful, semi human adults. Will Shika regret not having killed them when he had the opportunity to do so?

Although the action in the third book seems slower than in the first two books, this novel serves to consolidate the story, and continues to explore the themes of love, fate, failure and redemption already in play.

Can Shika be released from his magical mask? Will Hina finds what she is seeking in the Darkwood? I was glad, when I finished this novel, that I had the fourth and final novel to hand. So many questions still to be resolved. So many obstacles to be overcome.

And, I immediately read the fourth book in the series. I started to read it with mixed feelings. On one hand, I couldn’t wait to find out what would happen next. On the other hand, I really didn’t want the series to end.

‘Once, a long time ago, I made a vow,’ Shika said. ‘That I would find Yoshimori and restore him to the throne. But then the mask became fused to my face and I felt I was condemned to live out my life outside human society, like an animal in the forest.’

At the beginning of the series, the hidden emperor, Yoshi was a small child when he was forced to flee for his life with the Autumn Princess when his uncle Daigen was named emperor. Yoshi has grown now, but would prefer not to acknowledge his heritage. He lives with the Riverbank people, as an acrobat. Lord Aritomo, the power behind the false emperor Daigen, receives reports that Yoshi has been sighted for the first time in twelve years. Aritomo wants to capture and execute Yoshi, to disprove that he is the true emperor.

Shika has been living in the Darkwood for years. Unable to remove his magically empowered deer mask, he has exiled himself. Hina is searching for him: perhaps she can help him remove the mask? Will Shika’s return from exile make a difference: can he prevail over Aritomo, and can he convince Yoshi to take up his role as the true emperor?

The battle between good and evil continues. Supernatural abilities are part of the mix in determining who will prevail. Has Shika learned enough, can he use what he has learned? Can there be a ‘happily ever after’ ending?

I loved this series, and will be rereading it again soon. I know that, in my rush to find out how it would all end, I’ve rushed over passages. And, even though I found the ending (mostly) satisfactory, I wanted more. Some of these characters have their own life outside the pages of the series.

Jennifer Cameron-Smith

Note: I was fortunate enough to obtain electronic review copies of these books from Farrar, Straus and Giroux via NetGalley. I bought my own copy of the Hachette paperback containing Books 3 and 4. This review is of the Hachette paperback.