A review by bound4travel
Who Gets Believed?: When the Truth Isn't Enough by Dina Nayeri

dark emotional reflective medium-paced


This is a tough one to review. Who Gets Believed was definitely one of the most interesting and unique reads I have picked up in quite a while. Half memoir and half exploration of who gets believed in a variety of situations (from patients in the ER, to those claiming asylum, to individuals trying to get mental health services), Nayeri follows her own life experiences in being believed and believing others and peppers in stories of experts in different areas she has spoken with to get more information on how others analyze who is telling the truth. I thought the stream of consciousness style of writing and Nayeri's openness gave this book a true sense of authenticity. One portion that was hard to read was Nayeri's own impression of someone close to her with mental health struggles. She compares mental health struggles to other life situations and struggles to grasp how someone who seemingly has everything can be so tortured internally. This could be a trigger for those living life with mental illness.