A review by onebookmore
Faye and the Heart of Fire by Nicole Bailey


Faye and the Heart of Fire is the gripping fourth book in the Faye and the Ether series. Some time has passed between the end of Faye and The World’s End and this book. Faye is adjusting to her new role as leader of the dragons, and her reign is fraught with obstacles, as dissenters challenge her every move, and danger lurks around every corner. When Faye is attacked, she enlists Alec to act as her personal guard to protect her and get to the bottom of who tried to kill her.

This book is very character-driven, which I enjoyed. That’s not to say there’s no action or a lack of plot because those are richly developed as well. But the story focuses on the deepening relationships between the four main characters and their lives post-war. All four major characters, Daron, Faye, Alec, and Telanes, are trying to find purpose. They are redefining themselves now that the war is over, and some are adjusting to their new roles better than others.

Faye is a strong and protective woman who wants the best for everybody, and her vision for the future of her people is admirable. Through it all, Faye stays true to herself and strong in her convictions. Of course, this proves challenging considering the immense responsibility she has and the doubt she often feels, as well as the fact that beings are trying to kill her. Poor Fsaye can’t catch a break. Her life is riddled with danger and people trying to control her, and she must figure out how to maintain her autonomy amid all of it.

Telanes, Alec, and Daron also face challenges in their new post-war lives, and each struggle in their own way to find their niche. They all have different interests and responsibilities, some of which are quite dangerous. Everything is changing in their lives, which makes for an intriguing and suspenseful read!

I also love that the story has a new perspective. The previous books in the series were told from Faye and Daron’s points of view, but this story transitions to Faye and Alec’s perspectives. It is fantastic! I love Alec and was so excited to learn more of his thoughts and feelings. He is a fierce yet charming cinnamon roll, and I can’t get enough of his story! And his relationship with Daron is so sweet and loving! It continues to be one of my favorite parts of the series. Their love is unwavering, and their chemistry is fantastic!

Faye and Telanes also have a swoon-worthy romance, though their relationship is tested throughout the story. Faye goes through so much, both physically and emotionally, throughout the story. Her life is in constant danger, her freedoms seem limited, her relationships prove complicated, and she doesn’t know who she can trust. She also fears putting those she loves in danger, which affects her relationship with Telanes. It’s interesting to see how both of these characters handle their new responsibilities, pressures, and threats. I adore Telanes! He is so devoted to Faye, and he proves it to her in countless ways. Their love, like Alec and Daron’s, are the bright spots in a darker and suspense-laden story.

Some of the minor characters are really interesting too, and I’m curious to see how they play into the series as a whole. Alec, in particular, develops some new friendships and allies, and their interactions include some laugh-out-loud funny scenes, and some scenes that totally broke my heart. I love books that pull me into the story so much that I become emotionally invested in the characters, and this series definitely does that. I have a feeling that old allies and new friends will be extremely important in future books in the series.

I really enjoyed this addition to the Faye and the Ether series. It is suspenseful and well-developed with tons of political intrigue, unique mythology, strong world-building, and two beautiful love stories. The story also tackles real-world issues like racism, homophobia, and more. The world that Bailey created continues to grow and change, and I’m eager to see what happens to Faye and the others in the next book! Thanks so much to Nicole Bailey for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.