A review by amym84
What If You & Me by Roni Loren



Years ago, Andi experienced a horrific relationship and was lucky to get out of it, but she still suffers from extreme anxiety when certain situations present themselves. She's been able to channel some of her anxiety into her podcast where she talks about lessons-learned from popular horror movies, plus she also write her own horror novels under a penname. While on a deadline for her new book, Andi discovers her new neighbor's stomping around at all hours of the night does not help her get her work done.

Two years ago while on a call, former firefighter Hill Dawson was injured and that resulted in the loss of his leg and his career. While Hill is now on the mend physically, mentally he's not doing so great. But his new neighbor is not the type to let him be alone and brood.

Andi and Hill meet each other at just the right time. They're both still healing from past trauma and both on the precipice of moving forward, that is, if they can both just believe in themselves enough to take that step.

I enjoyed this audiobook immensely. I felt like the narrator, Desiree Ketchum, had one of the best voices when switching from the male to female characters. It was almost like there were two individual narrators for Andi and Hill. Super impressed with the seamless way she would switch between characters during a run of dialogue. And that each character had their own distinct voice. And on the expositional parts the words were read very clearly. I'll definitely be looking for other books read by this narrator.

Andi was a standout character for me from the first book [b:Yes & I Love You|53439441|Yes & I Love You (Say Everything, #1)|Roni Loren|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1593619484l/53439441._SX50_.jpg|83098605]. I was happy that she got her own book. It's a little bit of serendipity that I was concurrently reading this book - which deals with a character that kind of uses horror movies to help deal with their real-world anxiety - while also reading a book that deals with the "Final Girl" survivors that are immortalized in those horror movies. It was an interesting juxtaposition.

That being said, I liked how Roni Loren tackles both Andi and Hill's traumas. Seeing how they each handle their situations in their own way and the bad and good parts of that. Of course Andi's occurred quite a number of years before Hill's and while that doesn't mean that she should be further along in her recovery, it does mean that she's had more time to find the tools that work good for her in coping. Hill's is more recent and still raw. Not only did he lose a career he loved, and suffered a bodily injury that changes the rest of his life, but his fiancé also left him shortly afterwards, which also changes the trajectory he saw his life heading towards. Hill is still going through the why's and how's, doubting himself and it's made him very depressed.

Seeing both Hill and Andi help one another out of their almost self-imposed exile from the world was just sweet. Seeing their connection and their belief in the other was just written so seamlessly and could have not been done any other way.

I've so far really enjoyed this series and I'm hoping we'll get more books. I think Roni Loren has a deft hand at taking these various issues and circumstances that people deal with and making them seen and heard. Giving a different idea and perspective that I haven't experienced in the romance genre before. Taking some of the bad times and showing that, that is not all there is. There can be healing.