A review by noras_tales
The Forgotten Kingdom by Signe Pike


I received a copy of this book through Netgalley. This in no way influences my opinion of the book.

I’m so happy that I fell upon this series and Signe Pike, certainly a new favourite author of mine. After finishing the first in the trilogy (The Lost Queen) a month ago, I felt both excitement and dread – excitement for finding something that so deeply resonated with me, and dread, knowing that I would have to painstakingly wait for the future installments of this series.

I was quickly swept back up into the enchanting world that Signe writes, so engrossed by her writing and story that I hadn’t realized I finished over half the book in one sitting. It’s such an incredibly immersive and captivating tale. There was such a whimsical atmosphere to this like in The Lost Queen, and it drew me in completely. I haven’t felt the desire to just sit and spend all my time reading a book in quite a while. It's the kind of book you can get lost in - my favourite kind.

Signe Pike creates such an emotional experience for her reader, through the use of multiple PoVs in this installment, which is different from the previous book, where we followed Languoreth alone. Let me tell you, I cried at multiple points throughout the story. There is so much love and so much heartache, and she writes the characters so well that you can feel the raw emotion they are experiencing throughout their journeys.

This was so well-researched, and I truly enjoyed reading the Author’s Notes at the end of both The Lost Queen and The Forgotten Kingdom. Signe Pike sheds so much light on this forgotten part of history, and it is clear that she cares very deeply about these historical figures and their hazy, unclear pasts. She breathes life into these complex characters, and it is a joy to get to know them and the world they might have lived in. I’m so excited to delve further into this series and I look forward to reading more from Signe Pike.