A review by marilynw
Unfaithful by Natalie Barelli


Unfaithful by Natalie Barelli

This book was fun, hooked me hard, and even though I tried to go to bed, I ended up staying up way too late to finish it. Anna is a humdinger of a character. She's an extremely unreliable narrator and will lie at the drop of a hat. She also drinks way too much and will verbally vomit embarrassing truths that she should never tell anyone...she'll start babbling to friend or stranger, alike. She also just might attempt to go for a roll in bed or on the floor, with some man or other, because she's drunk too much or because she's angry. She has anger issues and emotional damage from being raised by a cold mom and distant father. She makes spontaneous horrible decisions and some of those decisions had me laughing. Usually I can't stand characters like Anna but the author did a great job with her and the story and I could not put the book down. 

When the story starts, you can almost hear the birds chirping in the background. Life is perfect, her family is perfect, her marriage is perfect (if only her husband would walk the dog and fix the leaky sink), she's pretty sure she's going to be made a tenured professor. And then Anna gets to work and things go wrong and then get worse and everything Anna does is the wrong thing but half the time she thinks she can ignore the problems and they'll just go away. Anna can't focus, talks and laughs way too much (often she'll stop laughing and talking to realize that everyone is staring at her). Really, Anna is a mess and for good reason. Oh, and Anna is extremely paranoid and that paranoia rubbed off on me, so much so that the only ones I trusted in this book was her 14 year old daughter, her 10 year old son, and her cute French bulldog. Overall, this story was good fun. 

Pub November 27, 2020

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for this ARC.