A review by kindlefreak
Cherry Beats by Vicki James


The story flowed like an epic love song and I was swept along in the passion and emotion. This book hit me deep, Tess and Presley’s story slamming into my soul - their story vibrating through me, even when real life interrupted my reading time.

Ms James is the queen of writing characters that feel like they are already your best friends and this story is no different. Sassy Tess was so loveable, her trademark red locks and cherry DM’s being her own personal armour against the world. She’s a character who you’d love to have in your life and spend an evening with down the pub with, talking all things, especially fan-girling over rock stars and discussing the meaning of song lyrics. Her delicate vulnerability was endearing. Her story is an inspiration for all those who are scared to be selfish and go after what they really want. Her growth in the book was captivating and heart-warming.

And I can’t not mention my feelings for Presley. Any one got an ice bucket to throw over me? My ovaries combusted every time he showed up on the page. Whilst the story is mostly in Tess’ POV, I still had a deep connection with Presley. He’s not just the character that our heroine is in love with, a sexy rock god who gets girls knickers in a flutter. He had real depth about him, a complicated puzzle and presence with an air of mystery. And boy did he ooze sex appeal.

This has got to be one of my top reads of the year and one that I will certainly revisit. The charisma, the charm, the chemistry - this is one story I’ll never forget.