A review by justinkhchen
Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak


2.75 stars

Is tolerating absolute mediocrity worth it for a decent twist (or two) at the end? Hidden Pictures is the perfect book to ask that question — and the answer really depends on one's patience for bland writing, weak character work, and a slew of genre cliches.

Hidden Pictures is Jason Rekulak's first novel marketed primarily towards adults, but it still reads very early-YA in execution; the writing is basic and plain to a fault, never establish the tension and mood this conceptually dark story desperately needs. The physical book compensates the lack of flavor in writing by having pictures physically inserted throughout, but this multimedia approach feels more like a last-ditch effort than a clever supplement to an already self-sufficient material (I also received my ARC as an audiobook, so this visual aid has no benefit to me).

For veteran thriller/horror readers, the first half of Hidden Pictures will test one's patience with its explosion of cliches: an unreliable young female narrator with traumatic past who constantly makes dumb decisions, creepy kid 101 (draws disturbing pictures, doesn't make friends, has imaginary playmate, talks to the air), and responding to these strange occurrences with the most worn-out methods (Ouija board, baby monitor, library research, etc.). There's nothing fundamentally wrong with any of these elements, but when a story in 2022 is still trying to sell baby monitor with static noises and ghostly visuals as one of its pivotal, climatic scares, then there's a problem.

Now, those twists... I have to admit I didn't see them coming (based on general consensus there are 2 major ones): one is pretty laughable and as it was revealed I immediately see logistic plot holes, but I commend the author for even going there. The other is objectively decent, and actually turns earlier events on their head.

Hidden Pictures will find its audience in readers who just transitioned to adult fiction, someone who's new to the thriller/horror genre, or someone who's willing to let a few good twists to erase all sins — everyone else can stay clear.

**This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Much appreciated!**