A review by knboereads
The Fire Rose by Mercedes Lackey


I really enjoyed this twist on an age old fairy tale. The magickal world of early 19th century West America was definitely intriguing and seeing all the almost familiar characters from the original fairy tale (almost unrecognizable for sure) was great fun.

I love the way Mercedes Lackey writes and I think her prose and narrative form suited the tale perfectly. Rose was a great character, as was Jason (and Sunset! One of my favorites.).


The only thing that kind of rankled was the character of du Mond. If we're going by the Disney version of The Beauty and the Beast, which The Fire Rose is based upon, I suppose he would be Gaston. However, there were a few times when I thought such a deep exploration into his repugnant character was unnecessary and I would actually say a trigger warning is needed for mentions of rape and sexually and racially infused physical abuse of side characters. While Mercedes Lackey in no way ever, not once, gave the impression that this behavior by Paul du Mond was meant to be seen as anything other than repulsive I did feel that sometimes she went too far where there was no need. Not to say that she ever got totally explicit, but a lot of times I thought it was unnecessary. Like okay, we get it, he's evil scum.

Other than that, I really have nothing else that made me enjoy this book any less. I am already excited to start the second book in the series.