A review by openallnight
Shadow's Kiss by T.M. Hart


This book was... all over the place. Indie Author's first book so was rolling solo and without a team, taking that into consideration.

We start off with a confused and amnesiac h, Violet, and just like her... I remained just as confused until the very last page and reallllllly need to read Book 2 because OMG FINALLY.

Yet, I was entertained even though it felt like the author was shooting for "Alphahole" and maybe overshot to straight Irrational A-hole instead with both the H's. And the h, Violet, was a wee bit underdeveloped. I know she forgot who the heck she even is but a little more clues into her backstory would have made me like her more. I dunno.

That being said, I was entertained and will move on to Book 2.

Read via KU and bought the Audible, which was great!