A review by melissa_who_reads
The Unexpected Guest by Charles Osborne, Agatha Christie


A novelization of Agatha Christie's play. I had never read it (and obviously had never seen the play). So it was all new to me. Found the descriptive language not very Agatha, though the dialog obviously was. A decent who-dun-it, with many twists and turns in the plot ... although the portrayal of the vaguely "mentally defective" half-brother of the murdered man was ... more plot device than accurate.

A man, who has run his car into a ditch, stumbles into a house (through the French windows) and discovers a murder has just taken place. The victim is a man in a wheelchair; his wife is standing nearby, in shock, holding the gun. She confesses to the murder, and the "unexpected guest" takes it upon himself to shield her from the crime. As events unfold, all is not what it seems on the surface.

Fun to read a "new" Agatha, but it's not as good as her own novels.