A review by emmareviews
Moorewood Family Rules by HelenKay Dimon


The premise of this one sounded fascinating to me, but I’m not sure it lived up to my hopes. Let me start with the positives - I left it thoroughly entertained and having a good time. I liked a lot of the places the plot went (even if none of the reveals particularly wowed me), and I thought the dual perspectives in the story added something. The family definitely grew on me, but the first third of the story especially was underwhelming. It was challenging for me to connect with the characters in this story, and the tone of the lead frustrated me.
(It felt like the author kept waffling between trying to make her the sympathetic moral compass of the family and a more devious/complex one who was becoming more like them in her attempts to do the opposite, which felt a bit uneven.)
I also think I wanted some more weight to the story and time to set it up more fully so relationships and actions felt earned.
(There was also a specific character, the bodyguard, who felt completely unnecessary. I personally didn’t feel like he added anything to the story other than annoying me.)
 However, rant over, I left this book happy that I stuck it out and enjoying the development of one of the characters in the story. 