A review by willwork4airfare
Soul of the Fire by Terry Goodkind


Holy fuck, everyone said this book was bad but I was so determined to read the entire series without skipping it that I literally downloaded a .txt file and read the whole thing on Notepad on my laptop. I had to believe it would get better. I'm used to Goodkind having no idea what being a woman is like. Kahlan does the same thing several times in the first half of the novel just refusing to believe Richard even though his entire character arc is being right about everything. The women are all just jealous and petty unless it serves the plot to make them slightly tolerable of each other's existence. It wouldn't have even been so bad if the ending had been worth it but there is just soooooooo much exposition for everything to end with disgusting, cruel deaths of 90% of the characters we have been introduced to in this book, and everything else just wrapping up into a neat little bow so we can move on to the next novel. I'm exhausted and I put so much time into reading this book! I'm pretty mad about it. As always, expect a huge amount of rape, torture, and humiliating sex, especially for all the women. The whole nonsense about the Dominie Dirtch just for them to disintegrate by the end of the novel?! So much happened and was explained in elaborate detail just for it to be completely nullified by the end. Still glad I read it because I always would've wondered what happened but I think very few important things will carry over into the next book. I suppose we'll see.