A review by thereadingpotato
The Arbornaut: A Life Discovering the Eighth Continent in the Trees Above Us by Meg Lowman


3.5/5. This is a detailled dive into the life of the "Real-Life Lorax," Meg Lowman- a tree scientist and conservationist who revolutionized ecological research, particularly through the study of tree canopies. This nature memoir provides an inside look into what inspired Meg from an early age and how she translated her love of trees into a lifelong and impactful scientific career working in treetops and travelling the world.

As someone who is also passionate about nature and environmental research, I enjoyed hearing about Meg's background and life's work. It was a very interesting and inspiring tale. The main setback for me was that I often found the writing so detailled that it significantly slowed down the book for me, and so it wasn't as gripping as I would've liked.

Overall, this is a thorough read into the life of an amazing field biologist and her groundbreaking work in the treetops.

Thanks to Farrar, Straus and Giroux and NetGalley for a gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.