A review by wolfblade
As Rich as a Rogue by Jade Lee


I received this book from Netgally.

As Rich as a Rogue is the story of Peter, Lord Whitly, and Mari Powel. Lord Whitly once said something mean to Mari, which meant she was shunned by the ton and had to spend the next 6 years clawing her way back into their good graces.

Our story begins when Lord Whitby returns from India. Mari promptly undos all of her hard work by acting like a shrew to Lord Whitby on his first day back in London. For his part, Lord Whitby does not recall a throwaway comment made 6 years earlier. They make a bet to teach a bird a new word, and the loser must apologise to the winner.

Full disclosure: I didn't finish this book. I'm sure some will find it funny and very entertaining, but I found it a contrived. The hurt Mari nurses against Lord Whitby (for 6 years!), the fact that apparently everyone holds Mari's nickname against her, but simultaneously does not remember Whitby ever making the comment, the bet about a bird - it all was just a little bit too ridiculous for me.