A review by nickymaund
Chase the Rainbow by Poorna Bell


‘Chase the Rainbow’ by Poorna Bell is a beautiful, heartbreaking and raw ode to the love her life, her beloved Rob, who sadly took his own life following a long battle with depression and addiction. Poorna’s candid tale details how they met and fell in love and experienced that really rare, pure love that most of us dream about. And how Rob keeps his addiction a secret for a long time, and how they try to work together to help Rob beat his addiction and his mental health struggles. Poorna also provides informative discourse into the state of affairs with society’s perceptions, assumptions and prejudices with the male concept of masculinity, how addiction of hard drugs is more stigmatised than the legal drugs of nicotine and alcohol, yet these legal drugs result in more financial strain on the NHS. How those suffering with mental ill health are treated and their difficulties in accessing services. The problem of dual diagnosis (now called co-existing conditions). She consults with expertises in the field, those who have been suicidal themselves, and those who support the suicidal. The thing that really struck a cord for me was the desperation of men who, whilst battling that desperation to be the perfect man, are so incredibly lonely. This is not an easy read, in the slightest. Poorna regularly had me in tears, but anyone who is able to read this book should. It will challenge your perceptions and the stigma you hold against addicts, the homeless, and the mentally ill. And then there’s those who are left behind after losing a loved one to suicide, with that unique grief, with no answers, and a bucket load of guilt.

We should all be kind to one another. We should all look out for one another. We should encourage our children that boys/men don’t have to be the breadwinner, the perfect man, and that it’s most definitely ok to cry and ask for help. To reach out when you’re lonely.