A review by thebritishbibliophile
Lost to You by Kelly Elliott


'Perhaps my favourite Seaside Chronicles novel yet! Kelly Elliott at her best and somehow, getting even better!' -TheBritishBibliophile_

It feels like no time at all has passed since I was thankful enough to read Part of Me , book two in Kelly's Seaside Chronicles series, now here I am reading and obsessing over book three with the formal introduction of Mason and his story with Palmer.

Palmer's story has been a short time coming, and up until now she has been interesting to get to know through the eyes of her sisters, Addie and Sutton, in their respective novels. Palmer, along with Mason and his adorable son, take centre stage as they navigate the waters of Seaside, if you will. Treading as carefully as they can to avoid ending up in the gossip column, written by the anonymous writer who knows everything about everyone. Though, they have yet to be found. Will we find out who this mysterious writer is during the final book in the series? Only time will tell, dear readers.

As outlined in the blurb, we were promised a story of the carefree Bradley sister--Palmer--, the most carefree of the Bradley sisters. Her multiple--and often criticised as 'odd'--jobs keeping her on her toes and always on the go. From pet walker, house sitter, vet receptionist, nanny to pooper scooper, you name it, Palmer has and is doing it all. Her most difficult job to date, perhaps, is the second from last. Nanny. By in no means is the job difficult, but more of a case of whom the job is for, and if Palmer's eye can keep off the hot new doctor to Seaside. Hunter Bryan.

Hunter Bryan is his own kind of special. I like me, you're a long time read of Ms. Elliott, you'll know how she excels in writing single parent romances. Think back to novels of hers such as Lost Love, Never Enough, The Butterfly Effect and now here in Lost to You . I praise Kelly in many areas of her writing, but one of the top things that makes her stand out among the rest is her inclusion of single parents into a story. Hunter and his little boy, Charlie, have soared to the top spot in my single parent and child character list of hers. Yes, I too fell victim to the hot doc, but the sweet, dedicated and charming nature that radiates between this fictional character and his son warmed my heart. This duo together will charm your socks off, even if you aren't even wearing any. Prepare for the Bryan boys!

How lovely it was to see the residents of Seaside again, here in this novel. Where they are not the main focus of the story, this novel like the other two before it, are all interconnected and the collective story for the Seaside residents continues. Hunter and Palmer are this chapter in the story, and what a chapter it was.

I honestly didn't believe that book one, Returning Home could be topped, as it was quite the opening story, but here I find myself having read a book that did just that! From start to finish, this was a journey that I never wanted to come to an end (for now!). I can't dive into anything too detailed as it would ruin the story and spoil things for those who have yet to read it, but what a treat you're in for! You'll soon see why that this my favourite book in the series so far. The tropes do a great job of summing up some of what made this book so great:

✔ Strangers to Lovers
✔ Single Parent
✔ Small Town
✔ Boss/Employee
✔ Friends to Lovers
✔ Nanny
✔ Second Chance

Kelly has provided us with a mix 'n' match of tropes that just work . These tropes lend themselves to some exciting, interesting, emotional, moving and so many more moments that just made me fall in love with Kelly's work as if I were reading my favourite story (Broken) all over again for the first time. Like this series has for its characters, this read is a read that feels like I'm coming home to Kelly and I'm right there with Hunter and Palmer watching the journey to their Happily Ever After.

I don't think I'll ever say it often enough, but I'm going to be forever grateful to Kelly for jumping in and writing a series with such heart, wholesomeness and a whole lot of everything there it to love about her and what makes her writing so one-of-a-kind. As I said in my review for Returning Home , I knew because of what the seaside means to me personally, that this was going to be one of my top Kelly Elliott series'. I had a feeling right from the get go that this was that and so much more, a series to watch and as each book came along it only reconfirmed that gut feeling. Lost to You re-confirms that tenfold.

This read is the prime example of why I'm a reader of almost ten years, and why you, my dear author, are one of my forever favourites.

Congratulations to Kelly for not only producing a masterpiece of a novel, but one that has made it as a personal top read of 2022.