A review by shelf_inspiration
Your Story, My Story by Connie Palmen


5 Stars

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“In that all-consuming violence called love, I’d met my match.” - Your Story, My Story.

In 1963 Sylvia Plath took her own life. Her death was the culmination of a brief, brilliant life lived in the shadow of clinical depression- a condition exacerbated by her tempestuous relationship with poet Ted Hughes. The ensuring years saw Plath rise to martyr status while Hughes was cast as the cause of her suicide. For decades, Hughes never bore witness to the truth of their marriage-one buried beneath a mudslide of apocryphal stories, gossip, sensationalism, myth, soaring highs, and profound lows. Until now.

This is a fictional novelization of the relationship between Sylvia Plath and her husband Ted Hughes. While this book itself is fiction, it is based on Plath and Hughes’ poetry, letters, journals, and more regarding what is known about their relationship. Oh my goodness this is an amazing, heart-wrenching story with the most beautiful writing. Sylvia Plath is one of my favorite authors and poets and I have always been fascinated by her and saddened by her short life. While this book is on the shorter side, it did take me a while to read as I wanted to sink into the writing and the history! I also plan to go on from here and read the book comprised of Sylvia’s journals as well as a biography that came out about her recently. If you have any interest in Sylvia Plath and her story or you love books about complicated relationships pick this up!