A review by lindaunconventionalbookworms
Surviving Ice, Volume 4 by K.A. Tucker


*I received a free ARC of Surviving Ice from Netgalley*

Surviving Ice was so intense, especially because it started right in the middle of the action - Ivy witnessed her uncle being killed, and she had to hide underneath a desk in order to stay undetected herself! If you have read the prior stories in Tucker's Burying Water series, you have already met Ivy - she comes across as distanced and quite abrasive, but there is a soft heart hiding deep inside of her. After her uncle's death, she is ready to be on the move again, even if just days before she had started thinking about putting down roots in San Fransisco. Being the legal executor of Ned's will makes sure she has to stay for a while, though, and when she meets Sebastian, she wonders if maybe San Fransisco isn't an OK place after all.This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews