A review by tiffiny
An Assassin's Deception by Harper Wylde, A.K. Koonce


I somehow finished the book. I kept reading thinking "a good part is going to happen soo I just know it", and then I get to the end of the book where the only good thing happens. That's it though. The only major sex scene, that happens at the end of the book, is the only good aspect of this book...heck this entire series. I don't know what's going on in this story, I don't think the AUTHORS know what's going on in this story, I don't think THE UNIVERSE knows what's going on in this story. I read a whole bunch of -nothing-. We find out nothing about the characters really, we don't know what 'the program' is, we don't know why or how or when the assassin's league started, we don't know anything.

I've given up on this plot-hole-riddled series that needs edited and actual story guidance.