A review by book_vorfreude
The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert

Did not finish book.
DNF @ 70% - just wasn’t the story for me.. the overly descriptive writing style, the characters I could not enjoy, the main female character was I don’t even know what... she keeps having these thoughts about hurting and killing people, but also not? And she is super contradicting and just really not for me. The book was just really confusing for me, also... having a black male interest but also calling them kinda ugly and not being interested, but needing his help for everything, but treating him badly? The completely confusing story, I was at 70% and still could not tell you what the hell was going on, I understand that it was part of the mystery of the book but I wasn’t getting into it at all. Also I could have really enjoyed a book of just the short stories that are mentioned and told in some chapters that are what the book is all about, those wore my favorite.