A review by jaimejustreadsromance
The Redemption of Callie & Kayden by Jessica Sorensen


4.5 Stars

Whoaa. I'm still struggling with my emotions after this read.

Jessica Sorenson tackled so many serious issues in this series that I am left breathless. The things these characters had to survive, well it's haunting and quite powerful. I had to take breaks at times because it seemed like too much for someone to deal with.

The book was very fast-paced and answered a lot of questions I was left asking after reading The Coincidence but I also feel like it opened up a ton more questions that I NEED answered. I'm hoping that there is a continuation of Kayden & Callie in Luke's book (read about it here).

Callie was my favorite part of this book, which is rare considering my affinity for BBF's. She was strong and forceful in all the ways that Kayden needed to get better. I loved seeing her grow and watching as she struggled with how to handle each new thing but somehow managed to do just the right thing every time.

I really enjoyed reading more about Luke and Seth as well. The secondary characters played a very large role this time and it was fun to see as their friendship developed and strengthened.

It just wouldn't be a Jessica Sorenson book without a cliffhanger right? Prepare yourself because there is one and it's kind of a shocker, not quite as shocking as in The Coincidence but still it's something even I didn't anticipate.

I'll just be here, waiting impatiently for January 2014. *sigh*