A review by ameretet
Fate's Edge by Ilona Andrews


I really had a hard time relating to Audrey. She came across as paranoid instead of concerned. Her sense of morality also didn't seem to fit in with what we've learned in the previous books about the Edgers. Meaning that she seemed overly concerned with the children and not sleeping with Kaldar. In all the other Edge books, Edgers seem mainly concerned with only themselves or their immediate family. These are the type of people who, in the first book, would sell off Rose to blueblooders. At the same time, Audrey was a thief and con artist, two things that really make sense in the Edge universe. Maybe this was an attempt to show multiple aspects of Audrey's personality, but it seemed very disjointed.

Kaldar, I felt, deserved to be fleshed out more as a character. He seemed to have many different facets but we really only saw the flirty ladies man or the genius conman. I don't know why the author waited until the book was almost over to mention how Kaldar is seen as one of the most dangerous men in the Mire. There were hints of Kaldar's dangerousness, particularly when he discovered Jack and George had stowed away in the wyvern. Mainly Kaldar came across as one dimensional.

All in all, the book didn't really come together for me as much as the previous two books in the series. That being said I totally can't wait for the next installment!
