A review by aishaal
The Wives of Los Alamos by TaraShea Nesbit


Although many dislike the use of the first person plural, I found that once I got used to the unified character of "the wives" I began to really enjoy it. For me, this writing technique was the main reason I enjoyed this book so much. I feel that it emphasized the sense of community I can only imagine was felt between these wives over the 3 or so years living there. I think it brings a different sort of narration to the story, and that Tara Shea Nesbit does it in a way that we get enough detail and variety in the women's lives as the novel moves on. Sure it makes it less personal that the usual narration of novels, but I think that it suits the story being told. I appreciate how Nesbit also showed the day-to-day life a little, how the children grow up, and multiply, needing to clean etc etc.