A review by fearlesspkjimin
The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon


How can I start the review of such a masterpiece made book?
I had 0 expectations on this book because I don't even remember where I saw it, but based on the summary I had the feeling that I was going to like it, although I haven't been having the best luck with that and the books I've been reading lately.

I'd like to point out at least one bad thing about this book, but I truly can't think of anything. I liked it from the beginning to the end.

This book has short chapters which makes it really easy to read and it's written with different points of views, even if it's mostly about Natasha and Daniel, the author also added some flashbacks from both of their parents, or the brother, or maybe just some sort of note made by the author like explaining a fact or tradition which added a lot of personality to the book, it wasn't only a romance book to enjoy, it also made you think and learn (such as that little chapter talking about the story of black hair care and how it started). To summarize this point is that this book is not an empty one and it couldn't be any further away from that. It talks about destiny, science, traditions, racism, or how the tiniest action could change someone's life completely.

Another thing I liked about reading this one is how both main characters are poc, one being korean and the other jamaican, and it was so refreshing to read something about those two nacionalities that are so different from each other. Most books I've read are with white main characters which is okay, but I think it's important to read more books that don't go around white people and give them the same hype, even better if the author is also poc so we can support them too. Going back to the point about the characters being korean and jamaican is the fact that they aren't just that, a nacionality to mention once in the book and that's it. The author made a good job explaining the problems both can have even if they aren't from the same place and I'm grateful, as a white person, for reading it and being even more aware with the problems and hard times they can face.

Now, about the characters, I simply fell in love with them at first sight. I also consider myself a poet and of course I'm also a hopeless romantic so reading Daniel made my heart and soul happy. But the same with Natasha because she reminded me of my logic side that always fights with my poet side, it was interesting to say the least how there were points I agreed with both of them even when what they were saying was the complete opposite. This is another reason why this book was so refreshing to read. Other thing I'd like to add about them is that they were never empty characters, they both had personal issues, flaws and opinions, but they also managed to have character development, even in such a short book, showing how they learned from each other.

The ending was the best ending it could've had, I teared up a bit because it made me emotional, even if I saw it coming the author still managed to put me in a sensitive spot. I won't go into detail because I'm lazy to put spoiler warnings, but it was just perfect, just like the whole book is. Simply perfect, pretty sure there are some things people would consider as a flaw inside the plot or something, but even with that I still loved every single second I spent reading this book and I will buy it as soon as I can so I can have it on my shelf. I will never stop recommending it either. I will always have something from Natasha and Daniel inside of me.

PD: DO NOT WATCH THE NETFLIX ADAPTATION. It absolute sucked and I hated every single minute of it, I was close to throwing my laptop away and then suing netflix for such an awful adaptation. They changed absolutely everything.