A review by kenniem
Monstrous by Sean Platt, David W. Wright


Monstrous by Sean Platt and David Wright is a book that has good points. Its premise is one of my favourites, what happens after death. Henry Black just died. He and his family were attacked in their home. He finds himself in limbo, confused and frightened he makes a hurried deal with a demon named Boothe to get back his family. He returns to the land of living but not as the Henry he knows. He is now a monster.

That sounds awesome right? The story is good; it is a classic revenge story, guy gets killed comes back from the dead to get his revenge on his murders. This book could have been awesome. Unfortunately it falls flat for several reasons a massive one being the protagonist, Henry. He is just awful, just the worse person in that universe at that moment. He didn’t start like that right out the gate. At first I was rooting for him, I wanted him to get his revenge and save his family but by the end I just wanted him to be real so I can punch him in the face and tell him to grow the hell up. I hate him with a passion. I know I don’t normally spoil books or plot points but with this book I have to make an exception because I have to explain why Henry is such a horrid character.

First, I have to cover the undertones of the book. Well, I say undertones but it basically beats you over the head with it. In this book Heaven, Hell and Limbo are proven to be there with the big man upstairs watching us all.

Henry is a non-believer, and while he accepts that God exists now, he doesn’t fully understand the concept of Free Will. Throughout the book, Henry has to make a choice and every time he makes the wrong one he blames God for it. Not himself for making the stupid choice in the first place, nope he blames God. Henry doesn’t take responsibility for anything that he does. Boothe tells him not to let anyone see him, Henry isn’t careful and someone takes a picture him which ends up on the news. A religious cult sees this and dresses up as Henry goes to a church and kills several children because Henry killed a few of their followers ‘It’s not my fault.’ Says Henry. This is a mirror of his life when his wife, Samantha, talks about what Henry was like when he was alive. Henry was a comedian , his wife worked for a charity organisation that helped women who were in abusive relationships. Henry made a sketch calling the organisation ‘Waah’ which resulted in his wife getting fired from a job she loved. ‘It’s not my fault, they got offended too easily. ’ Says Henry. The final nail in the coffin for me was near the ending,. It made me not want to continue the series.

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