A review by bodehoover
The High Lord by Trudi Canavan


Best conclusion to a series ever! I love it when a character is revealed to have been holding a secret for a long time or is misunderstood by everyone until something happens. Similar to how Snape was revealed to be more complex and loving than anyone would have guessed. Akkarin carried such a burden for so many years and was completely misunderstood for this whole series until the end. I definitely never saw his past as a slave coming or his relationship with Sonea. This book was just full of surprises from beginning to end.

I really missed the Thieves since they were hardly in the second book and I enjoyed the critical role they played in the defeat of the Ichani. I wish there would have been more details about the relationship between Dannyl and Tayend but it was made up for with the shocking relationship between Akkarin and Sonea. Turns out being exiled for black magic together is a great bonding experience.

The second half of this book was totally different from the previous books. It was a lot darker and focused on the conflict between the Ichani and the Guild instead of internal struggles like the previous books. Overall, I really loved this series and grew attached to several of the characters. I will dearly miss Akkarin and Lorlen :(