A review by readershark
A Place For Wolves by Kosoko Jackson


Imma be honest. When I first read this book, I liked it. I liked it because I knew nothing of the Kosovo war and nothing of the genocide. I was confused by what was happening and where the country even was on the map, and more excited by two queer kids of color having a relationship, though knowing placing a romance during a war probably wasn't...great.

I've since read the review that brought all the issues to my attention. I've grown and learned about what happened in Kosovo and understand that this book hurts many people and places the victim in the role of a villain, and that by no means is okay. I wish that this book was given to sensitivity readers who would understand and analyze it better than I did, a white kid living in Chicago.

In the future, I hope that Sourcefire and other publishing companies see the importance of sending ARCs out to the minorities the book represents, and not just people who have larger followings.