A review by hivequeen
Made to Kill by Adam Christopher


I got a copy of this book through Netgalley.

This book was a quintessential private eye mystery novel with an old-fashioned sci-fi twist, and it was very enjoyable. The main character had many of the mannerisms of a "private dick" but he was better, because he was a robot.

I really enjoyed how Ray Electromatic-- the main character-- was obviously technology that did not exist during the 60's in real life, but it was somehow more realistic in the story. For example, Ray could take pictures with his eyes, but he only had 4 rolls of film, so he was limited in how many he could take. His technology was futuristic, but not too futuristic. It was also interesting the way that Ada expressed herself. She was just a computer sitting in a room, but her way of communicating to Ray through images and impressions was very cool.

One thing I was confused about was how Ray could be the last robot on earth but still live and work in relative anonymity. How does he not have curious people showing up at his work all the time?

Overall this book was very entertaining, and I recommend it to anyone that is a fan of mystery novels, and of robots.