A review by magdalena081
Twisted Hearts by Cora Reilly


My favorite theme of romance novels has always been the mafia world. Out of all I have read so far, the ones I enjoyed the most have been those written by Cora Reilly, no doubt about it.
I loved every single book out of Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles, even the ones with characters that weren’t really my type of people.

So it came as such a surprise that this book, especially from the Camorra chronicles, just didn’t deliver at all despite my huge excitement for it.
I loved every single character in the previous novels from this series, all of the brothers, wives, and the adorable children. The last two books made me so giddy and thrilled for Savio’s story. He seemed so fun, with incredible sense of humor and yet loyal and caring towards everyone in the household. I loved reading about his bond with the twins and I adored his banter with Serafina.

While I always try to enjoy the book as much as possible no matter how good or bad at times it might be, this one disappointed me to no end. Never in my life has the book disappointed me so much, to the degree that I just had to write a review for the first time in my life.

I loved Savio so much even through his dickiness and his manwhoring ways and what is very impressive is that he really did stay true to his character with that. However, how it was written in this book went way too far in my opinion. He wasn’t only fucking around, he was a dickhead and such an asshole, it hurt to read. In this book he became too cruel, too hurtful, too selfish, it went beyond his character traits from previous books. Despite his crude ways and fucking around, he has never been this mean and uncaring as he was in this book.
His words spread venom wherever they went and he became such a bad person it was impossible to look past it. Even after he’s made up his mind about Gemma, he never fully felt committed, all the time running around with his tail between his legs, panicked about the possibility of settling in. That might be the biggest reason as to why I didn’t believe it at all that he truly cared for Gemma. It was just reasoning as to why she might fit with him on his end- she shares his interests, she looks good in a swim suit, she fawns over him like crazy- so why wouldn’t he want her, right? Not at any point in this book have I actually seen his feelings for her, it was just reasoning thought on his end and physical attraction. No falling in love or later love could be felt here at all. Not by me anyway.
It felt as if they didn’t match well together. They just weren’t well paired for me.
While Gemma’s behavior irritated me to no end, with how much of a doormat she was and how less affected she was by his behaviour than she should have been, and still chasing after him, the scene at the club and with her at the car with Remo has been by far the best. She showed balls and badassness for once at least and actually stood up for herself and at last realistically looked at Savio’s ways and what he represented with his actions. After that it went back to me not feeling any sympathy towards her. Even her silly attempts at punishing him weren’t believeable to me. All I saw was neediness and pining. The happy marriage moments just didn’t deliver at all considering I just didn’t believe Savio had any real feelings towards her, I simply didn’t see it, could not feel it at all.

So the last portion of the book was read with such incredible disappointment and dread, it left me terribly bitter and sad at how strongly the book crushed me. I loved Savio so much, I was so excited for his book and wanted so much to see him with a girl he might actually care for, for once. I was giddy, thinking of how much I’d enjoy reading him falling in love with someone. This just didn’t show any of it at all. The couple was incredibly mismatched and utterly unbelievable to me. In the end I just hated reading about them together, that’s how badly disappointed about them I became. I went into it with such high hopes for them, I don’t think I will even get over it and see past it or look at Gemma/Savio paring as anything but not enough. It’s truly a shame.