A review by gerireads
Unrequited by Jen Frederick


Winter Donovan has been in love with Finn O'Malley ever since her sister introduced him as her boyfriend. For years Winter stood to the side as Ivy and Finn dated and later broke up after her sister fell deeper into the bottle and drugs after their parents death. Even then Winter stayed away except for that night.

Finn O'Malley have never worked for a girl's attention before or for the things in his life. On the outside, he's a guy who has all the opportunities in the world but seems just be cruising along, living below his potential, never had to fight for anything. Then everything changed for him.

Unrequited started off slow for me . Winter in particular has a lot of doubt about starting something with Finn because of their shared history. I am not one of those readers who find it icky to read about a hero having a relationship with the sister or the friend before getting together with the heroine. I find the complicated history between the characters a good source of tension in the story. I didn't agree with some of Winter's choices but her history coupled with the fact that it felt as though she was betraying her sister made her choices understandable.

But what made this book for me -- or should I say, who made this book for me was Finn O'Malley. His dedication to his family, his amorous pursuit of Winter made him a standout hero for me. He was so fine. Being a delicious dirty-talker didn't hurt either.

I liked how the characters changed and grew throughout the book. Winter took her sweet time opening herself up again to Finn. But I wasn't really upset with that because I also feel that Finn needed to show her that she's worth fighting for. Even Ivy didn't annoy me that much. It was actually Finn's mother who really tried my patience.
She didn't believe he could manage their business and went out of her way to sabotage his job? Ugh. And yet, when she saw Ivy, she was then all for giving people a chance.
I didn't get it.

Fortunately, those things didn't take away my enjoyment for the story and the characters. It was nice to see the other characters in the series make cameos in this book. And I am definitely looking forward to Adam's book. Either Adam or Tucker. I don't mind as long as they each get their own book. Make it happen, Jen!

ARC provided by the author via TRSOR in exchange for an honest review.