A review by dannabella
Warped by Maurissa Guibord


Personally, I think the cover is a little deceptive -- when I saw it, I thought that it would be darker. In contrast, Warped is a really easy, fun read. I read it in a couple of hours.

As I've mentioned before, I hate when authors try to create a series for no good reason. It really pleased me that this could be a standalone book. I'm not against sequels or anything, I just really abhor when a single premise is stretched out across several novels when it really could just be wrapped up in one. Warped was a single, cohesive story that had a finite beginning, middle, and end -- no stupid cliffhanger, which I really, really appreciate.

Also appreciated -- no love triangle. I'm not sure what's up with seemingly all the YA books recently, but somehow there has to be a love triangle of some sort (usually the girl choosing between two guys, a dark mysterious one and the perfect golden one). If done well, it works, but usually it's unnecessary. Maurissa Guibord recognizes this and thankfully doesn't foist a second love interest onto us. Mad props.

The characters are all interesting, and I really love the back-and-forth between Will and Tessa. (Also, I seem to really love Will-and-Tessa pairings.) Opal was kind of weird to me by calmly accepting Tessa's strange stories without dragging her to a mental institute, but wasn't too bad. She was a very minor character, but that worked for the purpose of the story.

All in all, the book was pretty straightforward and simple, no really out-there twists and turns. I wouldn't recommend it for anyone who is really into convoluted stories; this is probably more along the lines of YA fantasy comfort foods. I definitely liked it and will probably read again when I want something simple and fun :)

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