A review by lyakimov
Ironside by Holly Black


3.5 stars.

i thought this was a pretty good ending to the series. it was very fast paced and entertaining, but I thought the developments were a little better than books 1 and 2.

Corny was my favorite character throughout the whole series and I’m glad we got him back in this book. Kaye and Corny’s friendship was great.

The plots were solved a little bit quickly/simply but I thought the development was drawn out in a good way. The end kind of seemed open-ended, so I kind of wish there was a little bit more closure.

I still don’t really understand the whole plot of book 2. Val and Ravus only made a cameo at the very end, and I guess us knowing their whole story was not really important to the general story/plot of Modern Faerie Tales. What, just to introduce the character of Luis, which is the only true book 2 character that shows up in this book, the only one who actually gets development? I don’t know, it was weird. There was a clear, HUGE divide between book 2 and books 1 and 3 which was super weird for a trilogy. It was an interesting stylistic choice but I feel like it would make more sense if the characters of Valiant had an actual role in this final book, besides Luis. I don’t know, it was kind of weird.