A review by cristiangarcia
The Dolce Diet: Living Lean by Mike Dolce


I found this book after reading "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey's bio. She talks about the Dolce diet and its impact while preparing her fights and hectic schedule.
I read the book while in airports and I can tell you is completely worth it. What I love about Mike Dolce is that he has done it all, so he knows how the body works and how you can stimulate it. That being said, I can tell you this is a book written by a man who has tried every single approach to make lean gains, improve your body and life style overall. That credibility and most importantly, Dolce's simple -yet down to earth-approach is perfect for a busy person.
The book is filled with awesome and healthy recipes and at the end, really good advice for short but high impact workouts.
What else do you need? Not to much chit chat, but the real deal. And that is exactly what Dolce brings to the table.