A review by jonetta
A Good Time by Shannyn Schroeder


The set up
Indy Adams is fierce about her independence. Her recently divorced boyfriend proposes after she breaks up with him and won't take "no" for an answer (she finally wised up about him). Her flagging career as a real estate agent is about to get a much-needed boost when her brother-in-law's rich best friend asks for her help in finding a home. However, Griffin Walker is also looking for more than an agent.

The issues
Griffin has a reputation for being commitment shy, which normally would fit right into Indy's style. She's not looking for a relationship or someone to take care of her. But, there's more to Griffin than that reputation that precedes him and he's falling for the one woman who isn't interested in a commitment. Both started their relationship with only an expectation of a good time but he's wanting to change the rules.

What I loved about this story
I wasn't prepared to even like Indy based on what I knew of her from the first book. She completely disarmed me with her sunny attitude, even while her life was falling apart. It would have been so easy to let Griffin "rescue" her but Indy was determined to find her own way and I admired her resilience. Griffin turned out to be a really great guy who was struggling with emotions he'd never experienced. Their path to a relationship that worked for both of them was often funny and sometimes heart wrenching. It takes real skill to turnaround an unlikable character and Indy's transformation was pretty huge. It also wasn't one-sided as Griffin had some growing up to do, too.

The bottom line
I'm really glad my first impressions were completely off base about Indy and I could really enjoy this sizzling romance. She reminded me a lot of a younger Jenny McCarthy (the author channeled Kate Hudson), making the best of her talents no matter what others thought of her. Indy makes no excuses nor offers any apologies for her choices. I so enjoyed seeing her relationship with Griffin develop and mature. This series is now one of my favorites.

(I received an ARC from NetGalley)